Well after we settled down in Poole for a few days, we started
thinking about the National Insurance Number Card. You need it to work
in the UK. So after a bit of googling around, I found that there were a
few ways to do it, but below is the way we did it.
We rang the Jobcenter Plus on 0845 600 0643. After going through the options the answering machine gives you, we got through to a lady there. I explained to her that Natasha has recently arrived in the country and that she is on a Spouse Visa. I explained to her that she needs a National Insurance Number Card. The lady asked some details like address and date of birth and so on. Then she said that she will send us a form to fill in.
More info here: https://www.gov.uk/apply-national-insurance-number
The form arrived shortly after. We filled in the form and sent it back. We also had to send a copy of the Passport with the visa in it. After sending the form and the copy of the passport showing the visa as well, we got a letter back with the number on it. No card though, I am not too sure when you get the card. I heard that you get it as soon as you actually start working, but I am not sure.
Once you have the letter with the National Insurance Number on it, you can start working. All you need is to show your passport with the visa in it, a proof of your address and the letter with your National Insurance Number on it. And that is it. You can start going to a few recruitment agencies and they should be able to get you started with some work until you can get a job directly for a company rather than through agencies.
Please be aware that some people may tell you to pay them to get the National Insurance Number. Do not pay them anything. You can get the number for free like we did.
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We rang the Jobcenter Plus on 0845 600 0643. After going through the options the answering machine gives you, we got through to a lady there. I explained to her that Natasha has recently arrived in the country and that she is on a Spouse Visa. I explained to her that she needs a National Insurance Number Card. The lady asked some details like address and date of birth and so on. Then she said that she will send us a form to fill in.
More info here: https://www.gov.uk/apply-national-insurance-number
The form arrived shortly after. We filled in the form and sent it back. We also had to send a copy of the Passport with the visa in it. After sending the form and the copy of the passport showing the visa as well, we got a letter back with the number on it. No card though, I am not too sure when you get the card. I heard that you get it as soon as you actually start working, but I am not sure.
Once you have the letter with the National Insurance Number on it, you can start working. All you need is to show your passport with the visa in it, a proof of your address and the letter with your National Insurance Number on it. And that is it. You can start going to a few recruitment agencies and they should be able to get you started with some work until you can get a job directly for a company rather than through agencies.
Please be aware that some people may tell you to pay them to get the National Insurance Number. Do not pay them anything. You can get the number for free like we did.
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